Gas Leak Closes Block Of Main Street During Second Saturday
If you were wondering what the hours-long street closure was all about last Saturday on a block of Main Street that houses retail destinations like The Pandorica, Play, Beetle and Fred, Kitchen Sink and others, you can know that despite what the yellow tape said (Crime Scene Do Not Cross), it was really a gas leak.
Central Hudson was on the scene to repair the leak. Residents reported that they could smell the gas. One rumor included a rupture, but people in the area did not hear anything, and Beacon’s City Manager Anthony Ruggiero confirms that there was no rupture.
Anthony also stated via an email interview with A Little Beacon Blog that he does not believe future work is needed to the site, and a new street closure is not anticipated.
This happened on a busy day for Beacon businesses and art galleries, as it was a combined weekend of Second Saturday and Columbus Day/Indigenous People’s Day, which for many is a three-day holiday weekend. Beacon sidewalks were quite busy with people enjoying the early Autumn weather. Some retail destinations were closed for hours as Central Hudson made repairs.