Summer S'Mores Without a Campfire

This is a delicious S'mores recipe - without lifting or burning a finger. It's the no-work s'more that even a small kid could make.

- 1 graham cracker
- chocolate chips
- sun on an 85 degree day

Take out your graham cracker. Sprinkle the desired amount of chocolate chips on it in a position in which they can melt. Unless you have central air conditioning, chances are your chips are already soft, unless you keep them in the fridge.

Place loaded graham cracker in direct sunlight outside on a porch or other surface, and wait. Check on the chips after 5 minutes. They may not look melted, but try to spread it. Once the chips are soft and warm, you have a nice little s'more waiting to be eaten!

Pairs well with a chilled glass of Pinot Gris. :)