2nd Beacon Zoning Public Discussion (Rules About Buildings + Houses) Scheduled for December 1, 2018

Beacon Zoning Forum Discussion 2.0: A detailed discussion about zoning laws, how the city is developed, and the hows and whys behind decisions. For anyone interested in why commercial or residential buildings are allowed - or not allowed - to be built, how they are designed, and what can be done inside and outside of them. The first forum like was held around this time last year.
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2018
Time: 10am-12pm
Location: BEAHIVE 291 Main Street, Beacon NY 12508
Details >

The second public forum that (tries to) discuss Beacon’s Zoning Laws and the constant tweaking of those laws is set for Saturday, December 1, 2018 in the BEAHIVE at 291 Main St. The words “tries to” are used because zoning laws are by default loaded with jargon, and usually experts and industry professionals are the ones discussing them. In Beacon, many members of the public have become interested in the ins and outs of zoning, so translating how it all works has come down to communication. According to the event’s page, Beacon City Councilperson “Lee Kyriacou will facilitate the discussion — operating in this capacity as a private citizen.”

Zoning laws have been a hot topic in Beacon for many years. Basically - zoning laws are what defines what kind of building can get built where, what it can look like, and what can go on there. On paper, the laws can be hard to follow, and usually do not have a large audience.

However, if you’ve driven or walked through Beacon lately, you’ll see the new buildings going up. Decisions that make those buildings able to go up can live for years in public meetings, often traveling between city boards, like the City Council, Zoning Board, and Planning Board. Small and large issues about the construction of those buildings - or houses or condos or town homes - get batted around from board to board until approvals green-light them completely, or rejections or re-zonings of current laws send them back to the drawing board.

To help the growing number of people who are interested in these laws keep up with intentions and changes, a forum convened last winter in 2017, and a website was launched. Since that time, several key zoning regulations have been changed, and more changes are anticipated.

On The Agenda

According to the event’s page, the morning will be divided into two sections:

What’s Been Happening - An Overview

  • “Zoning 101” for brief background

  • What zoning laws have been enacted in the past year in Beacon

  • Zoning laws still on the table for Beacon

  • What construction is currently occurring and under what zoning laws

  • What construction is planned/potentially doable

Big Pieces of Rezoning Still Remaining:

  • Protect 60+ historic structures in/around Main Street (in addition to ones protected on either end of Main Street).

  • Revise the zoning adjacent to Main Street for uses that fit residential areas behind Main Street.

  • Totally revamp and simplify the permitted uses and setback tables for all zones.

  • Revisit Linkage Zoning for more ground-floor commercial, et al.

If you’re interested in how and why the buildings around you are being built, then attend the meeting to learn more. The more you listen or read, the easier it becomes to keep up. Just like regular homework!

Unlike big-city living, in a small city-town, you are able to get a little closer to digging in to help form a vision. Keep in mind, there are lots of different visions, so it is also an exercise in hearing one another and working together.

Beacon Zoning Forum Discussion 2.0: A detailed discussion about zoning laws, how the city is developed, and the hows and whys behind decisions. For anyone interested in why commercial or residential buildings are allowed - or not allowed - to be built, how they are designed, and what can be done inside and outside of them. The first forum like this was held around this time last year.
Date: Saturday, December 1, 2018
Time: 10 am to noon
Location: BEAHIVE, 291 Main St. (the Telephone Building), Beacon NY 12508
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