Beacon Post Office Clerks Given Notice To Find New Locations - 1.5 Clerks To Remain At Beacon PO
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in April 2023, during the time of the social uproar at the possibility of the Beacon Post Office closing. While the social panic subsided, the crisis continues for postal carriers and clerks. There is a Town Hall meeting in Rock Tavern, NY on Friday. Beacon’s post office can employ at least 5 clerks. But as part of the Post Master General Louis DeJoy’s plan, is downsizing Beacon’s post office to just 1.5 clerks. Despite a former Beacon Postmaster reassuring Beacon’s City Administrator that Beacon’s Post Office was one of the busiest in the area. So why downsize from 5 clerks to 1.5 clerks if it’s so busy?
The clerks who work behind the front desk at the post office were given notice in late March 2023 that they needed to find new job locations within the USPS, as confirmed by Diana Cline, the president of the clerk’s union American Postal Workers Union. If the clerks did not want to leave Beacon, they could be “pulled” and another job will be chosen for them. At least one clerk is leaving at the end of April. The former Postmaster for Beacon, Colleen Johnson, reportedly recently took another job in Hopewell Junction, and the reportedly temporary Postmaster for Beacon, Jimmy, was on vacation for comment.
When one clerk is working the desk at the Beacon Post Office, and one other clerk is working the back to retrieve packages that are there for pickup, the customer line is very long. Despite the good job the clerks do with each customer.
If at least 200 post offices in the United States and 16 in New York are downsizing to be “spoke” post offices (which means there will be no carriers, but some services will in theory operate out of that building by clerks), as ALBB reported earlier this week, it is unclear how many positions will be available to the Beacon employees looking for new jobs at other post offices. Since the USPS seems to be downsizing nationally, which you can read about in the USPS 10 Year Plan designed by Trump appointed Post Master General Louis DeJoy, who admitted during this panel that he sees very little value in mail or post offices. He sees money in packages and building giant fulfillment centers with billions of dollars given to the USPS from Congress during the pandemic, which you can read about here and here.
By September 2023, according to to the clerk, there will be 1.5 clerks working at the Beacon location: a full-time clerk, and a part-time clerk.
Why Doesn’t Beacon Offer Passport Service Anymore?
When asked why the Beacon Post Office does not offer the passport service anymore, the clerk explained that the woman who specialized in it had retired.
If the USPS’ plan is to downsize the Beacon Post Office (and other Post Offices), then it does not seem likely that the passport service will be available to Beaconites. The next nearest location is Wappingers.
In a letter dated February 28, 2023, the USPS mailed the APWU (the clerks’ union) to let them know that the Beacon Post Office would be changing in order to cut costs while improving services to residents. It did not state which services would be improving, how how the services would improve with fewer clerks employed. The passport service is not slated to return.
Said James Lloyd, Labor Relations, Policies and Programs for the USPS: “As discussed in our July 29 correspondence the purpose of creating S&DCs is to reduce transportation and mail handling costs, as well as provide Postal customers with additional services. S&DCs will allow for easier standardization and management of operations while improving building and operating conditions for employees.”
The local President from the other union, the NALC for the letter carriers, has confirmed to ALBB that they have not received such letter from the USPS.
What Is An S&DC? And How Does It Impact Beacon’s Post Office And Letter Carriers?
Earlier this week, ALBB reported that the Beacon Post Office was under threat of being closed, when it seemed imminent that postal carriers (who are out delivering the mail to your address) were being eliminated from doing this from the Beacon Post Office, and would instead to it from a large facility in Newburgh, known as a Sorting & Delivery Center (S&DC), which are being built out all over the country (see pictures here).
2 Different Unions Representing Carriers and Clerks
The employees are at the heart of this matter, as well as the location of where people will get services (package pickup, passport service, long lines, etc.). There are at least 2 groups of employees being disrupted - Clerks and Carriers. The Clerks are represented by the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) and the Carriers are represented by the National Association Of Letter Carriers (NALC).
According to letters to the carrier’s union APWU from the USPS, and implicated by new TV commercials, employment of clerks and carriers is going to shift dramatically with the loss and relocation of jobs. Based on the planned relocating or loss of jobs of all but 1.5 clerk employees in the Beacon Post Office, the planned skeletal staff doesn’t seem to service anyone very well. It is a stress on the clerks, and a source of impatience for the customer.
Of the 10-12 letter carriers that are stationed at the Beacon Post Office, it is possible that all would be relocated to the S&DC in Newburgh, or other centers. As indicated by this letter from the USPS to the APWU, which was obtained and published by, Beacon is on the list of post offices scheduled to not have carrier service anymore, but to have carriers retrieve sorted mail it from an S&DC. However, according to the President of carrier’s local union, National Association Of Letter Carriers (NALC), no official notice has been given to the carrier’s union from the USPS concerning this, or how it would work.
The local NALC President said that a threat of this relocating has happened in the past, a little under 2 years ago, which is when the Trump appointed Postmaster General Louis DeJoy was, and remains, in power and at the helm of these changes. The union president stated that Utica’s transition had started already. has been tracking other transformations that have begun, and the loss of jobs that have started.
That, with this new employment information from the clerk, as well as the TV commercials, indicates the new life at the S&DC in Newburgh will become a reality.
Despite what the USPS sources told the City of Beacon’s City Administrator Chris White, the planned skeletal staff of clerks at Beacon’s Post Office does not sound like services will be remaining the same for resdients, but will be declining. If suffocated enough, then there won’t be a purpose to keep open the beautiful building, except to hold Post Office Boxes. Which will have to be stuffed by a clerk. But the clerk is also servicing the front counter. With the proposed one full time clerk and one part time clerk, it is unclear how PO Boxes will be stuffed in a timely manner while the clerk is serving on the front desk.
The local petition to stop the removal of mail carriers from the Beacon Post Office.
The Employment Petition At The Beacon Post Office
A petition to stop the removal of mail carriers from the Beacon Post Office is on the front counter of the Beacon Post Office, right under the plexiglass windows that separate the clerk from the customers.