A Little Beacon Blog

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Building That Houses Homespun About To Change Hands - 232 Main Street

Photo Credit: Gate House Realty

Every now and then, sometimes on a Sunday and now in our Friday newsletter, we feature a listing from A Little Beacon Blog’s Real Estate Guide. This weekend’s feature is 232 Main Street, and upon looking at the photo, we immediately thought: “Hey! That’s our friend Homespun’s building!” Also in the building: the folks who live in the apartments upstairs (which look very cute and one seems to be available).

When a building goes up for sale, anything can happen. So we reached out to Homespun’s owner, Jessica Reisman, to inquire if she knew about any next steps. Essentially - is Homespun going anywhere? Will the deep-dish french toast and homemade soups still be within walking distance? “Homespun is definitely here to stay (almost 13 years old now!)” Jessica responded. “We are hoping that whoever buys the building will give us a good long lease!”

Well, that’s good news! Being that the listing is with Gate House Realty, an advertiser here at A Little Beacon Blog and the reason 232 Main Street is in our Real Estate Guide, we reached out to Charlotte for any inside scoop she could release. “There is an accepted offer, and the new buyer would like to see her stay, so hopefully Homespun will be around for a long time.” Anything can happen in real estate, so we’ll think good thoughts and wait until the end, or rather, the new beginning.

And keep it tuned to A Little Beacon Blog, refreshing often to see real estate opportunities like this if you have been looking for a great building to invest in, with popular businesses and tenants already there. There are more houses, apartments, and sometimes storefronts that get featured in our listings. This fixer-upper with the vintage kitchen is still available…