Correction Officers Served Court Orders To Stop Striking By NY State Police - Threats Of Arrest - Loss of Health Care
Over the weekend, Corrections Officers who are striking in what has become a state-wide prison strike (read more of the origins here), began to be served court orders to stop striking. New York State Police Officers began delivering the cease and desist letters that were ordered by Governor Kathy Hochul.
The Times Union reports that some letters are being sent by mail and email. A Fishkill Corrections Officer told A Little Beacon Blog today 2-25-2025 that some court orders were served to striking Fishkill officers on Sunday, a day which is not allowed in New York State, and being left somewhere not in a person’s hands, which may be part of a Conspicuous Service, which is when a person cannot be found and the server makes at least 2 attempts to find them, and then leaves the paper in an approved place and sends a copy by mail. Conspicuous Service, however, can only be done under certain circumstances. Serving the papers incorrectly could be reason to delay or throw out the start of a legal case.
Corrections Officers of the Fishkill Corrections Facility confirm that some officers have received the court order at their homes, which some felt was an unlawful delivery on the weekend. “These are scare tactics from Albany,” one Corrections Officer told ALBB. “They were out serving people on Sunday between 10pm and Midnight.” NY State Law states that the hours between 6am and 10pm be used.
“They can’t serve those cease and desist orders on a Sunday. Some police were leaving the paperwork on the Corrections Officers’ doorsteps. There are rules about getting served. It has to be in person. They need to verify that it’s you. An admission that ‘Yes I am the person.’ No signature by you is required when getting served.”
Said another officer: “One person I know was standing outside when the police came. We are telling everyone to stay inside.” The Times Union reported: “On Saturday, striking Correction Officers were informed that they are not being paid and have been listed as ‘absent without leave’ during their ‘illegal work action.’ In addition, they were cautioned that their health insurance coverage is being terminated.”
One Corrections Officer stated to ALBB: “They (DOCC) are lawless. This is the problem with our agency - the Department Of Corrections and Community Supervision (DOCCS) - and the State of New York. They use emotional scare tactics on people already scared of this job.”
In the interview with ALBB, the Corrections Officer continued with an example of a fellow officer who was not striking but was out on Family Medical Leave (FMLA) for his wife who has been battling cancer for 2 years: “I called one of our officers to check in on him. He’s not striking, but he’s out on FMLA. He can’t deal with anything. His wife has cancer. When he called DOCCS to check on his own status, they said: ‘Just so you know, you’re being classified as AWOL.’ They were threatening to use that to threaten him off payroll and lose health insurance. Now that guy is sitting at home, looking at his wife, thinking my health insurance is going to get canceled. What am going to do.’”
Corrections Officers who are working in place of striking officers are getting paid 2.5 times their usual rate. The Times Union also reports that in addition to National Guard being used to assist in securing the prisons, and supplying meals and medicine, NY State Police are also being called to work in the prisons. “State Police also are assisting with security at multiple prisons; a missive shared with members on Friday said that officials at the agency’s headquarters had ‘sent out a request to compile a list of all troopers with prior NY State Department of Corrections experience.’”
When serving court documents, parties who are involved in the situation cannot serve the papers. It is unclear at this time if the NY State Police would be considered a participating party, since some of them may be filling in for striking Corrections Officers.
“We don’t want to be out here,” the Fishkill Correctional Officer told ALBB. “We have tried for 5 years to bring these issues before the jail.” He was referring to rising acts of violence on inmates by inmates, as well as inmates on officers. Spectrum News did a analysis of rising acts of violance on inmates and officers in the last 5 years since H.A.L.T. was s started.
“There are 15 officers to cover the RRU program. The most violent program.” The RRU (Residential Rehabilitation Unit) is a part of the H.A.L.T. program, which to the public, is known as a program that eliminated the concept of “solitary confinement,” or made it more difficult to put an incarcerated person away from the general population of the jail. The Corrections Officers say that after a fight between incarcerated people, where the injuries are serious, they want to separate them and put those people or one of them out of the general population for their own safety, and that of who they fought with.
According to the NY State manual, the “RRU is the separate housing unit used for therapy, treatment, and rehabilitative programming of incarcerated individuals who have been determined to require more than 15 days of disciplinary confinement pursuant to Department proceedings. Such units shall be therapeutic, trauma-informed, and aim to address individual treatment and rehabilitation needs and underlying causes of problematic behaviors.”
The Corrections Officer continued: “But you got 5 officers. You call them (DOCC) and you say ‘I don’t have enough staff,” and they say ‘make it work.’ That’s always been DOCCS’ motto. We have made shit work at our own peril. I’m amazed that none of use have been murdered. There is a line in corrections ‘no one walks alone.’ We are all walking alone now.”