A Little Beacon Blog

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Tonight's (Monday) City Council Workshop Meeting

Every Monday at 7 pm, there is a City Council Meeting or Workshop discussing things around the city that need improvements. Workshops are when certain topics are discussed in depth. Tonight is one of those nights.

A Little Beacon Blog republishes the agendas on our website in our City Government section, as well as the videos of the meeting when they become available. Lately, the Mayor’s Office has been including how many minutes each topic has been allocated.

In short, this Workshop will focus on how areas of Beacon are zoned. This has been a large project that is ongoing and deals with changes in how the city controls development projects. This includes discussion on building height, and what requirements are proposed to build a fourth floor of a building during this phase of Beacon’s development. The Greenway Trail project continues to be a topic, as does infrastructure.

Click here now to see all of the items on the agenda >

In Coronavirus Time, you can listen to this meeting live at 7 pm on the City of Beacon’s YouTube Channel.