Trash Tip: What To Do If You Missed Garbage Pickup After A Snow Storm Blizzard
/Shoveling Tip: Carve a place out for your trash cans to sit at the end of the street.
Photo Credit: Katie Hellmuth Martin
The past 2 snow storms have hit on a Monday. How do I know? Because trash pickup for our neighborhood is on a Tuesday, and after the first snow storm, I forgot to carve a place in the snow for Trash and Recycling cans, and needed to leave the cans at the end of the driveway. Don’t assume that garbage pickup is canceled just because of a major snowfall. Those collection trucks from Royal Carting, the trash company contracted with the City of Beacon to remove your trash and recycling weekly, usually ventures out in the worst of weather.
However, if your cans are wedged into the snow during a storm and cannot be easily lifted out, the Garbage collectors might move on. They do need the cans to be easy to access. If you carefully carved out a place in the snow for your cans, and then dragged your cans to the end of the driveway the night before, only to find them boxed in by new snow heaps from the snow plows overnight, there is a chance that your garbage won’t get picked up.
Fear not. You can call Royal Carting directly and request to be put on their “list” of a pickup, possibly the day you call if you call early enough. You’ll need to have your cans back out by the street and easy to access for when the collection truck swings by again. However, if your cans aren’t back out in time, they will keep on driving by.
Good luck!