Thank You ISAMU for Sushi and Wine

Sometimes a girl just needs to have some sushi like a lady at a table with a glass of wine in a resteraunt. And when that girl is a mom with two kids to have the flu (thank gawd not the stomach flu but the sad head a chest and fever one), a girl needs to get out and sit with adults and use chop sticks and read a magazine.

Tonight I treated myself to such a fresh sushi dinner at Isamu dinner because I was supposed to have been in the City speaking on a panel for Young Female Entrepreneurs about branding your company online, but I pulled out because of the flu and opted to Skype in instead. But the darn wifi password at the panel location could not be found! I'd curled my hair and dressed my office space for the occasion, but alas, not to be.

So? Sushi!  :)