Beacon's City Council Meeting Agenda: Department Appointments; Raises, Traffic; Juneteenth: 7/21/2021


This week, Beacon’s City Council will discuss the following at their weekly meeting.

The full agenda has been published here at ALBB, and the accompanying video of the meeting will be available there as well. The City usually publishes that video one day after a meeting.

You can also view the City’s original agenda at their website for all agendas and minutes.

Reports: City Council and City Administrator

1. Proclamation in Honor of Juneteenth Local Laws and Resolutions

Mayor Lee Kyriacou has been adopting a national holiday at the local level for the City of Beacon. As with mirroring proclamations such as these, he will speak on his feelings about the holiday.

Local Laws and Resolutions

1. Resolution Approving the Appointment of Kyle Sackett to Heavy Motor Equipment Operator
2. Resolution Approving the Appointment of Steven Brescia as a Motor Equipment Operator

Current employees will be given the indicated job title designation.

3. Resolution Adopting Proposed Salary Increases for City of Beacon Management

Employees who work at the management level of the City of Beacon but not covered by collective bargaining agreements with the CSEA union (which represents other City employees in departments like Highway and Water) are proposed to get a 2% raise (Building Inspector II, Adm Assistant to City Admin, Superintendent of Streets, Secretary to City Mayor, Recreation Director, Assistant Recreation Director, City Clerk, Director of Finance, and Fire Chief). New employees hired within the past year would not receive the raise, “also consistent with past practice,” according to the resolution.

4. Resolution Setting a Public Hearing on July 6, 2021 to Receive Public Comments on a Proposed Local Law to Amend Chapter 211, Article II, Section 10, Subsection B of the Code of the City of Beacon Regarding Vehicles and Traffic

This authorizes new Stop signs to be placed in specified intersections of side streets with Main Street, as recommended by the Main Street Access Committee from their strategic work months ago, and approved by the Traffic Committee. The list of Stop signs can be seen here.